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Jul 13, 2020

In some cultures, children are often told that they can achieve anything if they try hard enough. What are the advantages and disadvantages of giving children this message?


1. achieve anything /accomplish anything /make anything happen /realize any of their dreams /anything is achievable


2. if they try hard enough /as long as they work hard enough /through hard work /if they put in enough effort /as long as they are devoted enough /as long as they are dedicated enough


3. be detrimental to their mental well-being /harm /adversely affect


4. fall into self-doubt


5.increase their chances of success in life /become successful individuals /succeed in their lives


6. self-assurance


7. Michael Phelps


8. be talented at


9. the Olympic podium


10. the greatest Olympian of all time


11. a total of 23 Olympic gold medals


12. Read the whole sample essay here: